About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Journal of Transformative Pedagogy (JTP) is a scientific journal that contains and disseminate the results of research, in-depth study, and the ideas orinnovative work in the field of science education. The innovative work of the teachers and lecturers of the development of the education sector which is able to make a positive contribution to the schools and educational institutions the focus of this journal.

1. Curriculum
2. Learning Evaluation
3. Learning Media
4. Learning Material
5. Learning Environment
6. Learning Methods
7. Learning Theory
8. Learning Design
9. Learning Approach
10. Learning Model
11. Learning Strategies
12. Techniques in Learning

Peer Review Process

All articles submitted to the Jurnal Pedagogi Transformatif will be selected, read, and reviewed in a blind (peer review) by experts in their field. The acceptance of an article depends on the truth of the content, the degree of originality, clarity of description, and conformity with the objectives of the journal.

Publication Frequency

Journal of Transformative Pedagogy (JTP) is a peer-reviewed journal that is managed and published by Yayasan Bunga Bangsa Surabaya. JPT is published periodically twice a year.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All articles published on JTP are open access by following the Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. Full license can be found here.